Author: dscheer (page 11 of 33)

Water Baptism

Sarah R – I was wondering if water baptisms started with John the Baptist’s ministry. Were there baptisms in the Old Testament?

Dave – Thanks for your question. Beyond preparing peoples’ hearts for true repentance (a desire to stop sinful behaviors, not just feel sorry about them), John the Baptist was also proclaiming a prerequisite to receiving the Messiah for salvation. He was also fulfilling OT prophecy concerning the coming of the Savior in the “spirit of Elijah” as Malachi 3:1 and 4:5 reveals. Jesus later confirmed that those Scriptures referred to the Baptist (Matt.11:14).

In the Old Testament period, baptism was a ritual of conversion to Judaism. Pagans would become proselytes through this ritual by self-baptizing to become part of the Jewish people. So it was an identification with the people of God.

Water is the element naturally used for cleansing the body and its symbolical use entered into almost every cult, and into none more completely than the Jewish faith, whose ceremonial washings were proverbial.

The Dead Sea Scrolls also depict the baptism ritual as something practiced by much of Jewry at that time. To this day Jews practice baptism for both male and female converts who immerse themselves in a ritual bath.

Long before the Jews practiced baptism, the concept or spirit behind Christian baptism is found in the Old Testament. For instance, the passing of Israel through the Red Sea on the final Day of Unleavened Bread, was likened to a baptism by Paul (1 Cor 10:1-2). And further baptismal and resurrection typology may be found in the crossing of the Jordan River which was a type of entering the Kingdom of God followed by pulling down the strongholds of the enemy (Joshua 3:15-17; 2 Cor 10:4). At the Tabernacle in the wilderness, the Levites were cleansed via sprinkling of water – a type of baptism to purify them in preparation in service to God and man (Num 8:6-7,11,21). Further, the Levites had to be bathed or washed clean in water in Ex 29:4 which is one of the ceremonial washings referred to in Heb. 6:2.

Were sins forgiven before Jesus and The Baptist? I think so. If people (Jews or Gentiles) believed in Yahweh (the God of the Jews), believed that the shedding of innocent blood was necessary for forgiveness, and believed in the coming of a Messiah, people could have eternal life. If they trusted in their own goodness or ignored those things listed, then they would not have life on Judgment Day. Habakkuk, an Old Testament prophet, proclaimed that a righteous person shall live by their faith (Hab.2:4). Bear in mind, however, that animal sacrifices were a mere, temporary cover for sins, whereas Jesus’ Blood did away with them forever.


Jenn K – There is also the analogy of Noah used by Apostle Peter in I Peter 3:20-21.

Alona R – I never thought of the passing through the Red Sea on the final Day of Unleavened Bread being likened to a baptism by Paul. Certainly there were ceremonial washings for various reasons, i.e. the lepers who were healed and had to go through washings and going to the temple to be inspected before being declared clean again. As you mentioned too the Levites seemed to be cleaner than most because of their ceremonial washings. In the day most people used oils and perfumes to cover their bodily odors rather than bathe as we do now, but there are still Asians and Europeans who do not use water as much as we do. I guess we all relate to water as a cleaning agent for exterior soil, but fail to connect to water as a daily cleansing agent for our sin.


Joan A – A while back during an on-line dialogue with a friend, you gave an excellent explanation how belief in the papacy and worshiping Mary and saints ever came about. Unfortunately I failed to keep those messages. I wished I had. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble would you please sent them again. I have several Catholic friends (and former Catholics) who I think might be interested. Thanks so much.

Dave – Hey Joan. I wouldn’t say to a Catholic that they worship Mary, because they are convinced that they don’t (although this can be debated). They do pray to her because they think she is God’s Mother and has ascended to Heaven without dying. They believe this because they believe Mary was sinless and was conceived by the Holy Spirit in her mom’s womb thus avoiding Adam’s “original sin” (Immaculate Conception). So they feel she has influence with Him. What they do not realize is that this is manipulation (not that it actually works, but if it did, then it would still be a sin to manipulate God like that). The Bible is clear that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and man, not Mary (1 Timothy 2:5). This applies to the saints as well. They are not to be prayed to or asked for favors. Jesus worked very hard and suffered much in order to be that One Mediator. Let us not diminish that. The Bible cannot be clearer on this issue. All sinners can approach God Himself directly through the Blood of Jesus having faith in Jesus.

At one point, Jesus did mention one human being that was the greatest person ever born to a woman. Surprisingly it was not Moses or Abraham, and, for Catholic ears, it wasn’t Mary. It was John the Baptist. He went on to reveal that even the least citizen in heaven is greater than John. Wow! I cannot imagine ever being greater that John was in his time of his earthly body, but I will according to Jesus. But the point I am making is that Mary was not picked by Jesus as being the greatest. There are other times in Scripture when Jesus separated Himself from Mary as well.

Actually the Catholic priesthood rejects the theme of the Book of Hebrews. Its message was telling Jews that the old system of priests and Temple animal sacrifice is obsolete. The veil in the Temple separated sinful man from a Holy God, but split from top to bottom when Jesus died. This event was a loud statement regarding the future role of any priest-type positions. They simply are not needed. In fact, relying upon a priest is insulting to Jesus considering all He went through to become our High Priest. This is why Protestant churches, including non-denominational churches, never have priests. In Ephesians 4:11-12 the New Covenant reveals that churches are to have pastors, teachers, evangelists, apostles (those who start churches), and prophets (those who speak God’s word).

In brief summation, over the years the Roman Catholic Church has created four tenets that all replace Jesus Christ. There are two meanings for the word “anti”: 1) against, and 2) in place of. Their doctrines about Popes, priests, Mary, and saints have all served to replace the real Jesus. It’s kind of rebuilt Judaism where ritual and human effort to gain forgiveness (with no assurance of this) is the norm. This is why so many Catholic people I’ve known battle with deep-rooted guilt – they’ve never met the real Jesus yet. An anti-Christ system is a false church. It is not the one that Jesus started. I know this is very difficult for some people to embrace, but I must always say, “If you can show me by the Scriptures, I will recant what I’ve said about Catholicism.” John Huss said these same words just before the Catholic Church burned him at the stake and desecrated his remains shortly after in 1415 AD.

… the history of “Mary worship” or the Catholic belief about saints… was rooted in paganism before the Catholic Church emerged. “Who is the Queen of Heaven?” are good key words to use with a Google search.

The Will of God

Anonymous – How do we know when we are doing the will of God in our lives? My question pertains to all areas of our lives, i.e., job change, exercise, schooling relationship with our children and disconnecting from former relationships. How can we sharpen our awareness towards God’s voice?

Dave – Great question and thanks for sending it. Romans 12:1-2 says, “Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

These two verses contain many powerful truths. First, it is the mercy of God toward us that reveals His will (or anything for that matter). This keeps us humble (James 4:6).

Second, we must be willing to surrender our wills and lives over to the Lord continually. This means we are open and willing to do whatever He wants us to do. We do not cling to selfish desires, motives, or agendas. A surrendered heart to the Holy Spirit is very precious to God because it reflects perfect love and He can accomplish much through that person.

Third, we must not be like this world with its perverted priorities. We need to be ever mindful that our citizenship is in heaven so we conduct ourselves accordingly, no matter what the cost.

Fourth, we must allow the Word of God (The Holy Scriptures) to wash our minds from the contaminants of this fallen world (Ephesians 5:26). This can only be achieved by reading the Bible often and meditating (Joshua 1:8) on what it means and how He wants us to apply it to our lives. If these four pieces are in place, then God will let us know what His will is for those things you’ve mentioned in your question.

God has also even given us “checks and balances” to help and protect us. For example, pastors and bishops hold important spiritual offices within the local church and can advise and confirm things to us if we pray for them and seek their input. The bottom line is that the more sanctified (set apart for His service) we are, the better we will hear His voice.

I realize that these spiritual disciplines seem difficult to achieve and practice in this life, but the fact is that the more we practice them (even if not perfect each day), the more we are aware of what God wants us to do. These things do not come naturally to us, therefore we must practice them to improve them. It’s kind of like training a baseball player to become a good shortstop. The only way to get him to stay low when fielding a hard hit ground ball, is to start with slowly hit balls and gradually increase their speed and have him repeat that experience multiple times so that the skill becomes natural. Spiritual assets also emerge with repeated practice. If we do these things, God will do the rest!

Now, in order that we never become a robotic formulator and “boss God around” when we’ve done all of the above, every once in a while He will have us just step out in faith and do something (as long as it is not against His Word). We just cannot whittle God down to human formulas. As C.S. Lewis put it, “He’s not a tame lion.” Still, if we have time to do the above “mandates,” we should do them.


Gary R – WOW, that was special. Many thanks for all the study, thought, and writing that went into this answer. GOD REVEALS Himself in so many ways and we take that for granted at times I think.

Nels F – Excellent advice!

Cindi L – You’re right. It is a struggle to keep excited about the fact that God’s Kingdom, and what He’s doing in the supernatural side by side and intertwined with the natural (that we SEE), is sailing along with power and might and purpose. Here are the thoughts that Penn Clark taught about KNOWING GOD’S VOICE. Scripture does say we can know God’s voice. John 10:27 “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” He spoke about the three possibilities of the origin of our thoughts – demonic, God, or the Flesh. Most of the time we are battling with our Flesh. Our spirit always is seeking God, loves God, wants to hear and spend time with Him, serves Him,etc. It is our flesh that is weak-meaning it doesn’t serve God – we end up “serving ourselves”.

God’s voice will always be ENCOURAGING, COMFORTING, AND JOY & PEACE & HOPE- FILLED…the words I speak to are spirit and LIFE.

Response to Cindi’s last comments:

Anon – A very encouraging comment…thanks for sharing.

Nels F – so very true here.

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