Author: dscheer (page 28 of 33)


Forgiveness is typically defined as the process of concluding resentment, indignation or anger as a result of a perceived offense, difference or mistake, and/or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution. The Oxford English Dictionary defines forgiveness as “to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt.”

What does the Bible tell us?

So shall also my heavenly Father do unto you, if ye forgive not every one his brother from your hearts” (Matt 18:35).

Then came Peter and said to him, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Until seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven” (Matt 18:21-22).

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

And whensoever ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any one; that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses” (Mark 11:25).

In whom we have our redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace” (Ephesians. 1:7).

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” (2 Cor. 2:10)

But to whom ye forgive anything, I forgive also: for what I also have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, for your sakes” (Matt 6:12).

But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your trespasses” (Mark 11:26).

Some Q & A:

  1.  Why is it so hard for humans to forgive and forget? Pride, self-justification, we need God to help us do it. Depending on the offense, we may not forget, but Scripture does not demand us to forget, or even trust a person.
  2. What are some techniques we use to forgive? Picturing ourselves helping that person, praying for them, meditating upon how much we have been forgiven by God. Think of the nature of the offense and then think about when we have done the same thing against God.
  3. How should we forgive (via phone, email, in person) and does one carry more weight? Depends on situation. When feasible, in-person usually is the best. However, in some cases, telling someone you have forgiven them may not be well received if the offender does not perceive his/her offense. In these cases, I wouldn’t communicate the issue to them. Rather pray for them and enjoy your personal freedom from resentment.
  4. When is the right time to forgive? The sooner the better so resentment does not set in.
  5. What are the signs that we have truly forgiven someone? No inner angst when thinking about the person and we do not talk behind their backs.
  6. What about forgetting offenses? The Bible does not say we must forget sins against us. Forgetting is possible in some cases, but deeper affronts will be remembered. The issue is whether or not the “ax is still grinding” inside. Do we still hold something “over their head” because of their offense? God will let us know if we are hanging on to something wrongly.
  7. Why does God demand we keep forgiving repeat offenses? Because He has forgiven our repeated offenses against Him.

Perks of forgiving = the offender loses power to control our mental state, keeps us humble, the alternative
(resentment/bitterness) hurts us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Bottom Line = we need to reflect our Father in heaven so others can know Him, and being able to forgive “is divine,” as Alexander Pope once said. Sometimes we struggle with forgiving but I think our Father looks forward to doing it. We need to get so close to Him that we enjoy it as well and become more like Him.

Since God says He won’t forgive us our sins if we do not forgive others, what happens if we hold on to some, or die before forgiving people? The Bible does not make it clear that this would mean hell for us. It does talk about the “Judgment Seat of Christ” that all believers will stand before on that Big Day. This judgment differs from the “Lake of Fire” judgment. So we might assume that some of our reward will not be in eternity because of this issue. If this interpretation is correct, it is impossible for us to quantify this so-called eternal loss. I hasten to add, however, if a person professes to believe in Jesus, but has not forgiven hardly anyone else during life on earth, then I would call into question his/her salvation.

Further Insight – forgiving is a choice, not an emotion, God gives us the ability that we do not have (this is what grace is), so if we choose to forgive, He helps us pull it off.

Aren’t there certain things so terrible that we should not be expected to forgive? I’ve searched the Scriptures daily like those faithful Bereans and have never found this list yet. If women who have been raped can forgive their rapists (and some have), then I should think that anything can be forgiven through the grace of God. He makes all things possible.

Conclusion – Being able to forgive others reflects our relationship with a great God whom we realize has forgiven us a great amount of sin. This was a major part of the prayer that Jesus taught better known as “The Our Father.” The key seems to be whether or not we are willing to forgive someone. If yes, then we can ask God to help us if certain things are difficult to get past. He will give us the ability to forgive if we love Him. Scripture also states that God does not remember our sin. I’m not sure if that is literal or if it means He does not remind us about them nor hold them against us forever. I think it is safe to believe that He views us as though we had never sinned. In and through Christ, we can view others this same way.


NF – Well done!

AS – Great insight, brother.

GR – Dave, thank you for your continued Ministry. I KNOW THIS:
without TRUE forgiveness I would have no wife no family and no marriage,
without TRUE forgiveness I would have no friends,
without TRUE forgiveness I would have no employees,
without TRUE forgiveness my twins would not have been born.

I think the key to all life, relationships, family and true happiness is forgiveness.

PT – Love what you said about forgiveness, especially some of the Q&A responses. Sometimes I seem to struggle with a recurring spirit of unforgiveness and must continue to forgive over and over. That is, I have truly forgiven someone of an offense in the past, but the offense will come to mind and it seems I have to remind myself I will not hold on to this offense any longer. Any comments?

Dave to PT – Thanks for your comments and transparency. We can all learn and grow more in Christ when brothers and sisters are honest about their struggles. About recurring “cringes,” I usually think about all the sins God has forgiven me, especially those that I’ve done repeatedly. This helps me put my mind in a perspective that I can more easily forgive others.

FD – Thanks for the insights on forgiveness. This topic has been a problem for me and I am meditating on
all you’ve said and it is really helping.

How Important is Winning in Sports?

The late Vince Lombardi, famous NFL coach of the Green Bay Packers, once said, “Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a LOSER!” He also popularized another quote originally from UCLA football coach Red Sanders: “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the ONLY thing!” This was probably a response to sports journalist Grantland Rice’s quote, “It’s not that you won or lost but how you played the game.”

The world has one viewpoint about winning and the Kingdom of God has another. It should not surprise us if these views are in conflict. What is the proper motivation for Christian athletes? Is winning the goal? Is the “Big W” the focus? Should the Christian athlete pray to win? Does winning have to be the goal to instill enough motivation to do their best? Perhaps a good approach to take with these issues is to describe what “playing for Jesus” looks like:

  1. Self-control and inner peace will be evident to others
  2. Happy for opponents when they do well
  3. Sincere handshakes before and after the competition
  4. No excuses
  5. No blaming teammates
  6. Looking at self rather than others to improve results
  7. Different perspective regarding being a “success” (for example, we could lose the game as long as we conformed to all of the above, and, as long as we tried our best, that is success)
  8. Do our best not to gain respect or glory, but to honor Christ for giving us the talent to do what we do (we know He’s watching our every thought and move).
  9. Displaying a consistent respectful demeanor win or lose
  10. Encouraging others and being a loyal teammate.

Notice that “winning the event” is not on the list. Since we still exist in flesh and blood, the above “fruit of the Spirit” is difficult to achieve and it is easy to be defiled by worldly value systems. But we must realize that those are the issues that will be on our “Final Exam” on Judgment Day, not the number of wins we had. I don’t believe that statistics will ever enter The Judgment. The world reveres athletes who compile impressive numbers, but God is impressed with people demonstrating the above listed standards. We as Christian athletes (or coaches) must be ever mindful of 1 John 2:16, “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life are not from the Father, but from this world.” The verse before reveals WHY these things are wrong – because “the love of the Father is not in them.” Therefore, the love of the Father must be in those 10 descriptions listed above. It will be our love for Jesus that gives us the power to conform and reflect those positive traits, not our striving with our own strength to obey rules or expectations. This sounds like true freedom to me. We are no longer controlled by worldly philosophy, desires, or the pressure to conform to it. I do not sense the love of the Father in the human desire to beat someone else at something. This drive seems to stem from this world, not His Kingdom. The human desire to “compete to beat” just doesn’t seem to have God’s fingerprint upon it.

The people that are “of this world” may quickly accuse the Christian athlete of not trying as hard as he/she can to win because of these radically different values. On the contrary, if you meditate on item #10, hustling and doing your best is included. That is part of being a loyal teammate.

The desire to be “the best we can be” is not necessarily being prideful, however. It all depends on the reasons we want to be good at something. God judges the motives of our hearts. The above sited verse specifically says “the boastful pride of life.” Many talented people fall into the trap of self-recognition as a motivator to excel. Wanting to do well at sports or a job is not necessarily motivated by this wrong spirit, but it often is.

I appreciate ex-NFL football coach Tony Dungy. He seems to have the balance between Christian life and the world of sports. When his Indianapolis Colts won the Super Bowl, the reporters wanted to emphasize that he was the first African-American coach to win it. The only thing Mr. Dungy emphasized for all to hear was that they did it “Christ’s way.” To Tony, winning was not the most important thing. His satisfaction came from living for Jesus and giving Him the glory thereby revealing Ultimate Truth to his players and staff, and beyond. Did he want to win? Certainly. But I perceive that his motive was so he could tell the world that “he did it Christ’s way!“

I also appreciate Tim Tebow, whose desire to win seems not to be geared toward besting someone else at their expense, but rather to use the athletic gift from God to make Jesus known to others as well as being a supportive teammate to his players and being respectful to all his coaches. God sometimes raises up athletes to achieve great heights so that more people will listen to them when they talk about Jesus. Pro golfer Bubba Watson won the 2012 Master’s Tournament and the world heard that Jesus had changed his life. Ex-NHL great Paul Henderson scored the series winning goal when Canada first played Russia in 1972. Since then, Paul has shared the Gospel to millions. San Francisco pitcher Madison Bumgarner was the 2014 World Series hero and testified that Jesus Christ changed his life and is the most important thing to him. There are many more examples. So God uses sports to promote his Kingdom on earth, but I believe that sports will play no part in His Eternal Kingdom because Scripture states: “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

We also must not form our identity by what sport or job we succeed in. We are disciples of Christ first and anything after that is a mere cloak over the real person we are. If a Christian athlete gets depressed just because he/she lost a game, then they are playing for the wrong reasons. Coach Dungy’s self-esteem did not hinge upon winning because he knows he is valuable as a person because of Christ living inside him, and has been called upon by God to achieve more important things than winning a pigskin game made up by men. If we equate our self-worth with athletic success, we miss the purpose of the life God has given us. Knowing we will not be judged on whether or not we win a game should free us from a worldly bondage. What people will tend to remember is our demeanor on the field, not how many wins we earned. More importantly, God will give us eternal rewards for representing His Son throughout our athletic endeavors. If we pass those tests, we have TOTALLY SUCCEEDED (even if we lost every game or never scored a goal). We can accomplish this if we “keep our eyes on the real Prize.”

Back in 1958, as a nine-year-old, I watched my first major league baseball game on our small black & white TV. It was the World Series, and the Milwaukee Braves (who beat the NY Yankees in the Series the previous year) were battling the Yankees again. (For the purposes of this essay, it is not necessary to report who won this time). Hank Aaron stepped up to the plate. I had never heard of him before, but I loved the way his last name was spelled! A name starting with a double “A” looked so cool that I loved that player right away and followed his entire career from that day on. Little did I know that he would eventually clout 755 home runs. I recall discussing with a high school friend in 1967 how I did not think Hank could ever break Babe Ruth’s record of 714 home runs. Toward the end of the 1973 season and the beginning of the 1974 season, Hank was approaching the unthinkable. The baseball world was goingcrazy. Hank was hounded by reporters and had his life threatened several times by racists. Hank said those days should have been the best days of his life, but they were the worst. He just wanted to get it over with. When he hit that dramatic home run (off of ex-Yankee Al Downing) in April of 1974, fans celebrated wildly! But with all due respect to Hammerin’ Hank, when he stands before Jesus Christ on Judgment Day, the number 755 will not be mentioned….a sobering thought to all athletes. Our trophies are as impressive as Adam and Eve’s fig leaves. That early human effort was so worthless to cover sin that God did not even mention it while He was slaying an innocent animal and covered the humans with the skin. That innocent shed blood was the most important Truth that God was telling fallen mankind – it won’t be your effort that saves you, but Mine.” And what an effort that was when Jesus, the Lamb of God, shed His innocent Blood on that cross for us. C.S. Lewis had it right when he portrayed bratty Eustace, who turned into an ugly dragon in his book entitled, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,” as one who couldn’t get the ugly scales off his body himself. Aslan, the Lion who represents Jesus, finally said, “You’ll have to let Me do it.” Eustace was no longer a brat after that encounter. He was a new person.

In 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Paul compares the lifestyle of an athlete to a Christian. Both must control fleshly desires in order to win the prize. Not only self-control is essential, but playing by the rules is a must in order to win. The difference is that one does all these things for something that will perish while the other gains something that will never perish. The desire to win must also be held in check because it can easily lure us into wrong attitudes and behavior. If athletes who want to win so badly would channel that desire to live godly in Christ as did Paul, our nation would be turned right side-up.

So, should the Christian athlete pray to God to win? Remember, when we pray to win, we are also asking God to cause the other side to lose. There may be believers on those teams also praying to win. Now what does God do? Maybe He flips a coin since the outcome is not that important to Him. 🙂 If we are self-centered, we tend to blind ourselves to insights such as this. I think the best prayer approach is to ask God to give us the ability to fulfill the above 10-item agenda, and leave winning or losing up to that “coin flip.”

There are lots of examples of competition in this world beyond sports, but will there be any trace of competition in God’s Eternal Kingdom? In other words, will we be forever competing in Heaven? I don’t think so. Why, then, should we get caught up in it now?


GR – This is wonderful work and I appreciate the immense amount of time and thought that MUST go into this essay. It’s SPOT ON. We as Americans (trained to ALWAYS WIN) whether its a game or a war. WE are 13-0 in wars, arguably. But then, when you consider God’s position, I do not think Jesus Christ really cares who wins or does not win the Masters. I recall when Tiger Woods made a run in the masters last year. I was so wound up I could not sit down. I STOOD in front of my TV, my stomach was tied in knots. I was a wreck. He Lost. The next morning I got up and my world had not changed because Tiger lost. My family, problems, dreams and daily struggles remained the same. BUT, the mighty unchangeable God was still in charge of my life. Sports should be taken for what is really is, entertainment, and probably not real important in the ultimate scheme of things.

Dave to GR – Your mentioning winning at war makes me think a bit deeper. Obviously competing in war is about life and death whereas a sporting event is not. I think it is good to ask God to make us win a war, thus asking Him to make the other side lose, if we are on HIS side in this life. If our side is evil and rebellious against God’s Holy Word, then I think to beseech his help is more of an offensive, superstitious gesture. God is not to be treated like a genie in the sky. In most cases, David had the right perspective when it came to war. He almost always sought and trusted God before battles and would succeed because of that. It finally came to him one day that God caused victories so that God’s people would have security (2 Samuel 5:12). It wasn’t because he thought higher of himself than he should have. We can search history books and discover how miraculous events took place that turned the tide of a war. I recall that dense fog that saved General George Washington and his army as they crossed the Delaware River right under the noses of the British. Had they defeated his army that day, our country may have never been birthed. So in a real sense, war is competing, but we are dealing with something different than athletic competition (entertainment).

For example, I believe that God caused our country to be birthed and to win wars in order to provide a buffer against evil totalitarianism taking over the world and to provide the Gospel to many people of other nations. This is not to say or even imply that all our soldiers were better people than all of our enemies. We simply have to look at the bigger picture that God was producing through those years. When I was in Israel in 1977, I talked with a taxi cab driver as he drove my friend and I to some place. He had fought in three recent wars for Israel. They, of course, won all three. Trying to find some lead-in to the Gospel, I asked him to tell me why he thought they had won them all. His first reason was that the Israelis are smart people. Second, they had good equipment and weapons. Third, God was on their side. Sadly, he did not put God first. The spirit in King David had not been passed down to this man. The side with the most self- reliance does not decide war outcomes, God does. Self-reliance always opposes God. The spirit of this world claims it is good, but John 15 says otherwise.

Abortion in Rape Cases

This has always been a tough issue for Pro-Lifers, and, I dare say, many have not fared well explaining why God is still opposed to abortion in this case. Definitely a horrible situation for the pregnant female, but too many people jump to the abortion alternative. Here are major points to consider:

  1. A fertilized egg is a human life. Individual DNA is determined at fertilization. Now only food and oxygen are supplied until the human being dies. By the time it attaches to the uterine lining, pregnancy usually is still unknown to the female. Within 18 days of fertilization, a heart is beating and brain waves are formed soon after.
  2. Killing that human life is emotionally traumatic for the mother.
  3. That human life is innocent of the crime of rape.
  4. People whose existence has been the result of a rape have spoken against abortion publicly.
  5. Surgical abortion is more traumatic on the body than childbirth.
  6. For her own emotional welfare, the female must forgive the rapist (with God’s help) whether or not an abortion is performed. Abortion just adds more emotional trauma.
  7. Forgiveness may come more easily if she gives a life rather than takes a life.
  8. God can work wonders through giving birth to this life if only people would include Him and trust Him.
  9. What about all the trauma the female experiences during the 9-month pregnancy period? But what is the alternative? Well, it’s having on her conscience the rest of her life that she took a life. I think all people (especially in hindsight) would rather live with the 9-month period, and then perhaps give the child up for adoption so she would not have to endure further hardship by raising a child that she may not have the means to do so. When humans give rather than take, they are blessed of God.
  10. I am not saying all this is easy on the female, but it is definitely the “higher road.” There are excellent
    organizations such as CompassCare that can offer much emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual support for females going through this.

I realize that many women have “spontaneous abortions.” This means that her body, for whatever reason, rejects or cannot support the life that has been started within her. These are more common that many realize. These cases, however, do not come about from the hand of man. Abortions do. There is a big difference.

One pro-abortion argument is that the “tissue” inside the pregnant female is “her own body” and she has a right over her body, not the government. On the surface, this sounds right. When the fertilized egg first attaches itself to the uterine wall, however, the woman’s body treats it like foreign tissue and tries to sluff it off (kill it). If this tissue is really her own body, this would not happen. The truth is that it is its own body, not even close to being a mere extension of her body such as her appendix. The unborn’s rights must be protected by someone because it cannot fend for itself.

Is there any case where God would OK an abortion? In rare cases, the mother’s life can be threatened by pregnancy. In all cases, however, C-sections can preserve both lives. With ectopic (tubal) pregnancies, however, the fertilized egg must be removed. In this case, for some reason, such as scar tissue from a sexually transmitted infection, can block the egg from traveling down the fallopian tube toward the uterus. The sperm is small enough to get by the partially blocked tube and fertilize the egg that can never reach the uterus. Now the egg will attach to the wall of the tube and grow bigger, eventually rupturing the tube and cause internal bleeding that is fatal for the mom. In this case only, I can justify taking out the fertilized egg. Unfortunately, technology has not figured a way to preserve its life after removal. So, either we allow “nature to take its course” and have two deaths, or we can save the only one we can save.

The bottom line point on this whole abortion issue is: Does a Creator exist? If so, what does this Creator say? If there is no supreme creator with laws and expectations, and this is what evolution asserts, then man is the ultimate authority. If man is the authority, then anything can be justified, and we are on the proverbial “slippery slope” (bridge to nowhere).

Further input from Mike Warren (a Pro-Life leader in NY State): 

Randy Alcorn gives some great answers in his excellent book, “Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments.” You touched on many of them. Life does begin at conception or as some in the “personhood movement” define it, “at its biological beginning.” So is it fair to punish the innocent child for the sin and act of its father? Transference of the anger felt over the rape onto herself or onto her innocent child solves nothing and delays the healing the woman needs.

We did encounter this recently. A woman threw coffee from a moving vehicle at us while we were at an abortionist’s clinic. The police were able to track her down and we actually spoke. As it turned out, she was date raped at a frat party while at college and became pregnant. She felt pressured to rid herself of the problem. Every time she drove past that clinic, the anger and emotional wound surfaced. That was the abortion mill she was taken to. Now a Christian, she was still dealing with the anger and wound. We pointed her to CompassCare and to her pastor for healing.

One woman says, “When one woman exercises her right to control her body in total disregard of another human being, it is called abortion. When a man acts out the same philosophy, it is called rape.”

The child produced by rape can become the tool or source of healing for that woman. Instead of reminding the woman of the horrible act, that innocent life points to redemption and something good coming from evil. Children conceived by rape can bless another family if that life is allowed to live, then placed in an adopted home. This is an example of redemption and turning an evil act on its head by purposely doing good. Pro abortion advocates seek to justify 97% of convenience abortions using the 3% hard cases of rape and incest.

Good job on the points you made you covered it well….



GR: Regarding abortion in rape cases: Clearly, the criminal act of rape is one of the most reprehensible crimes there is, attacking a helpless or weaker woman and then violating her body and FOREVER, taking away her privacy and security. The date rape crime is also cowardly and vile. Who raises men like this?! With that said, you cannot go to that very slippery slope and start making exceptions to a crime worse than rape, but the murder of an unborn child. While the rape is horrible, compounding that sin by having an abortion is almost like going to jail again. First, the poor woman is raped, then she has to live with the fact that she has had an abortion and murdered a child. I am completely opposed to killing a child for ANY reason, even for the safety of the mother. That’s man AGAIN altering what God intended. Just my opinion.

CL: Glad the 97% vs 3% was made at the end of this. I have often said …(politically speaking) let’s start by saying —go ahead keep those legal (abortions performed on pregnant rape or incest victims) and make the rest illegal. We’d have a wonderful reduction in the number of abortions making them safe and “rare”- oh yes. Think of how many would start claiming they were raped…..:(What I would love to come over the people who care about women (supposedly) is the rage about unsafe conditions at these horrifying abortion “mills.” An approach I’ve yearned for at the onset of this issue – start getting the State legal systems involved in the Health Care Aspects and these “institutions” would go bankrupt like our hospital systems are, eh? And how in the world can business people have blind eyes to the lucrative ownership of Planned Parenthood and not see the “conflict of interests”, etc – beyond belief it is…thank God some of our politically involved people are trying to get the word out in DC…18 days – its own heart beat….40 days its own brainwaves………….”If a person has no brainwaves and no heartbeat then they are dead” —- any good math professor will say if the conditional statement that was just said is true then its contrapositive has to be true (standard logic) the contra-positive is, “If they are NOT dead, then a person has brainwaves and a heartbeat”…guess they must NOT BE DEAD (which is alive…a life)…really at conception! Such easy logic to the genuine thought process – honestly! Love you guys!

PT – One of the sweetest girls (age 10) I have ever met was the product of a violent rape of a single young woman. Despite opposition she fearlessly defended her daughter’s right to live and has had the added support and respect of nearly everyone who has met this young girl, Christian and non-Christian alike. I have had the privilege to be a part of their life since the birth of this child and have witnessed and admired the love between them in spite of the many difficulties they have faced.

KM – Just a quick addition, from my work at the Pregnancy Care Center…a woman who has been raped is
traumatized. A woman who has had an abortion has been traumatized. Both are invasions of their body in a violent manner. To try to ‘solve’ or ‘heal’ one trauma by use of another makes no logical or emotional sense. By giving birth and possibly making an adoption plan for her baby, the woman is able to have something good come of the trauma she suffered, which actually helps with healing–ask anyone who has donated a loved one’s organs at their death. It takes some of the sting out, knowing that this difficult situation was able to be a blessing to someone else, that it didn’t end with the hurt.

AR: Since I too volunteer in the same capacity, KM said it best that healing from the trauma can come, although it does take time and counseling. No one who has ever been raped, whether a child comes from it or not, will ever forget it. From personal experience I know that, but you can heal with the Lord’s help.

RE – Years ago while volunteering at Project Life, I read a small book of testimonies by women who had become pregnant by rape. It was not a Christian book, and I use the word “testimonies” in the sense of “this is what happened,” not necessarily “this is what the Lord did” – although some were of that nature.

I noticed a pattern in these real-life stories of women who had lived through the crisis we’re talking about: pregnant via rape. Those who had abortions, ALL regretted it. They found it harder to forgive themselves for choosing abortion, than to forgive the rapist for choosing rape – because abortion was a choice they had made for themselves, whereas the rape was not their fault. On the other hand, none of those who gave birth regretted doing so, whether they surrendered the child for adoption or raised it themselves.

I find this pattern very convincing because these were the women actually living out the situation in real life! Someone might say, “Testimonies that fit that pattern were chosen for the book; any that didn’t must have been disregarded.” But if that were true, the book’s preface would have pointed out this pattern. It didn’t. I noticed it on my own. It was not a Christian book and did not seem to have an agenda. And yet, it made a powerful pro-life, pro-woman statement!

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