Author: dscheer (page 33 of 33)

The Deity of Christ. How and Why Is Jesus Equal to God?

One big reason that Jesus has to be God in the flesh is so that people on Judgment Day cannot accuse God of not knowing what it is like to be tempted to sin (Hebrews 4:15 and 2 Corinthians 5:21). God is just.

Every cult that I’ve studied claims that Jesus is not equal to God. The Jehovah’s Witnesses go one step further by proclaiming He was Michael the archangel incarnate and therefore was also a created being by God. The Word of God in Hebrews 1:5, however, clearly states, “To which of the angels did He [God] ever say, ‘Thou art My Son….?’” Further in v6, it states, “And let the angels of God worship Him [Jesus].” Each time I’ve brought this up with them, they hesitate and sometimes just change the subject.

This leads me to my next point. One thing that has always caught my attention is something that Jesus never did. When people worshiped Him or addressed Him as their God, He did not stop them or correct them. After Thomas stuck his hand into Jesus’ wounds following His resurrection, he called Jesus his God (John 20:28). If He is not God, then He is guilty of breaking the First Commandment. Anytime in Scripture when a mere human or angel began to be worshiped, they stopped it immediately. Not so with Jesus.

As far as the notion that Jesus was some created being, we look to an impressive prophecy regarding Jesus’ birthplace in Micah 5:2: “But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting.” This future Messianic Ruler existed in eternity past. There was no beginning to Him. Also, Jesus’ prayer to the Father in John 17:5 says, “And now, glorify Thou Me together with Thyself, Father, with the glory which I ever had with Thee before the world was.” Here, Jesus reveals a glimpse into that eternal realm and He was always with God.

Colossians 1:16 states that Jesus created all things and in verse 18 that He was the “firstborn.” This term does not mean He was created as the Jehovah‘s Witnesses claim. It means that He was the first one to rise from the dead and was the One that ushered in the Kingdom of Heaven to mankind.

God goes so far as to address His Son as God in Hebrews 1:8: “But of the Son, He [God] says, ‘Thy throne O God, is forever and ever….’” But perhaps the biggest clincher of all is found in John 9:58. The Jews were opposing Jesus, claiming that Abraham was way more important than He. Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM.” This stung the Jews to fury because they knew what Jesus meant. When Moses asked God for His name in Exodus 3:13-14, God told him it was “I AM WHO I AM.” Moses was to tell the Jews of his day that “I AM” was sending him to them. Jehovah (Yahweh in Hebrew) basically means “self-existent one.” In other words, Jesus was stating that He was always in existence, without beginning. No one in their right mind has ever made this claim as Jesus did about Himself, unless, of course they were insane or lying. If we made a movie, there would have to be some extraordinary music for drama when Jesus said this.

There are several other Scriptures indicating Jesus’ equality with God. One strong one is Colossians 2:8-9: “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the traditions of men…for in Him [Jesus] all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form…and he is the head over all rule and authority.” If Jesus contains the fullness of Deity and has the highest authority, there can be no other entity higher. The context of this passage is filled with insight when we consider that verse 8 describes what cults do.

This leads to my next point regarding cults. Perhaps the other strongest Scripture passage supporting Christ’s deity is found in John 1:1,14 where it says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God….and the Word became flesh…” The Jehovah’s Witnesses, however, change v1 to read, “and the word was a god.” I have read that no reputable Greek scholar/translator would do such a thing.

A wonderful connection between Jesus and God comes from Isaiah 44:6: “Thus says the LORD [Jehovah], the king of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts, ‘I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me.’” Notice that both Jehovah and the Redeemer are claiming to be God together. But was this really referring to Jesus? Revelation 1:8 assures us that it was. The context has Jesus speaking, “I am the Alpha and the Omega [first & last] says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” The phrase “who is” refers to God (Jesus) always existing. “Who was” refers to God coming to earth in human form. “Who is to come” refers to Christ’s Second Coming.

There are Scriptures, however, that separate the role of Father from the role of Son. In Matthew 24:36, Jesus spoke of His Second Coming by saying, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” This difference can be better explained by the concept contained in Philippians 2:5-11 which describes God’s willingness to “empty Himself” of all the rights and privileges of being God to demonstrate the utmost work of humility possible, thus eventually elevating Jesus’ name above EVERY name. So during His ministry on earth, God limited Himself to reach fallen mankind. If God came in His normal form, sinful humans would perish (remember, even Moses was not permitted to see God’s face). The Son, at this time, was not omnipresent and He did not know all things like the Father. But this, I believe, was about to change right after His ascension when Jesus sat down at “the right hand of the Father” (which symbolizes ultimate power and authority, not a separation from God).

One other Scripture speaks of this purposeful, temporary lowering of God into the Son role. Hebrews 5:8 says, “Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which he suffered.” Think about it, how could the highest authority learn to submit to a higher authority? God accomplished this seemingly impossible task by coming to earth as a mere man with limitations. I think that this may have been the devil’s ONLY chance to get God to sin – when He was in His weakest form! (My thought here, therefore it could be wrong). Why would God allow Himself to be tempted to sin? I believe because He had to master it, since Cain (and all others) could not. In Genesis 4:7, God told an angry Cain that sin was about to overcome him and that he “must master it.” Cain not only did not master it, he murdered his younger brother Abel. Since then, no human has been able to master sin. So God changed His “form” (Phil. 2:6) and subjected Himself to the same temptations that all humans face, yet He did not sin (Heb. 4:15).

In summation, while it may be impossible to totally understand the concept of the “three-in-one God,” Scripture is clear about the identity of Jesus Christ. I once asked a veteran Jehovah’s Witness, “If your Jehovah came to earth as a man, would He do anything different than Jesus Christ?“ Well, I felt he had to say “yes” because to them, one is less than the other. So he did say “yes,” but he never said what that would be. I rested my case. At one point in Jesus’ ministry, Philip was perhaps a bit frustrated with all Jesus’ talk about the Father in heaven and finally blurted out to Him, “Show us the Father and it is enough for us.” Jesus replied, “Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip?” I think old Phil was as quiet as my Jehovah’s Witness vet. Perhaps John summed it up in the most concise manner, “Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also” (1 John 2:23).


Can A True Believer Be Possessed by a Demon?

I believe the answer is no, but believers can still be deceived, harassed, and oppressed by demons. At one point, Satan spoke right through Peter when he was warning Jesus not to proceed to Jerusalem (Matt.16:23). Does this indicate Peter was possessed? I don’t think so, but Satan still had access to Peter’s soul (mind) and had a strong influence on his thoughts. Some may argue that he was not baptized in the Holy Spirit yet, so Satan was able to gain access. But Peter had confessed Jesus as the Christ so I believe he was saved at this point. Furthermore, many Christians today are not baptized in the Spirit, so does this mean that only those “types” of believers could be as influenced as Peter? I don’t think so.

We need to understand what the Bible says about our three-dimensional make up. According to Hebrews 4:12 and 1 Thessalonians 5:23, humans have a body, a soul, and a spirit. I think the soul is our personality along with all our emotional baggage accumulated over the years. Our spirit, on the other hand, is that part of us that is connected directly to God and cannot be possessed by darkness. To keep this in proper perspective, the Bible does not define these terms, so it is human guesswork that provides these ideas. So there is room for error here.

That said, I think it is reasonable to assert that any type of Christian can have demons waging war in their souls but not their spirits. This would explain the existence of dark strongholds that Christians can carry within themselves from abuse, addictions, curses from occult involvement, repeated sins (iniquity), or other sources of darkness. Symptoms of demonic oppressions may include fears, compulsions, foul language, poverty, lusts, and anger among many others. These problems are examples not of possession but rather oppression. They hold back our spiritual growth. These things do not all disappear at salvation to which, I assume, many of you can attest. We need to be set free from those demonic holds through Jesus Christ. In some cases, all we need to do is repent (a deep desire never to do a particular sin again), ask forgiveness, and then do common sense things to lessen our risk of doing wrong again while always relying on God’s grace rather than our own strength. In some other cases, however, the stronghold may be so powerful that special prayer by others within a church, along with fasting, may be necessary to deal that demon or demons. They have rank as well as angels. Some are more powerful than others.

As Paul was addressing believers, he said, “If you receive a different spirit…” (2 Cor. 11:4). It has been said by some that a true Christian cannot receive a wrong spirit. This verse says we can. All the more reason to cling to Jesus and to be filled with the Holy Spirit, always asking for God’s protection against such deception. Although we have authority over evil entities in Christ, we need to have a healthy respect for the power of wrong spirits. I do not believe this verse indicates that believers can be possessed by a demon. It does, however, make clear that we can “receive” a wrong spirit. I think that is what happened to Peter. That word “receive” says to me that a demon can be in our minds influencing what we believe or do. To me, this speaks of two possible things: 1) the Spirit of Error (which leads one into cults), or demonic oppression (where we can be plagued with wrong thoughts or actions we know to be immoral). “Possession” to me indicates a total loss of self awareness and control of actions or speech. In scientific terms, I think “psychotic” would define it well. If a person is psychotic, they need to be institutionalized because they are a danger to self and others. The term “neurotic” may describe demonic oppression well.

I recall four examples in my Christian life that attest to some of the above statements:

  • At different parts of my life, fishing, Strat-O-Matic Baseball (hobby game), and golf became compulsions. While there is nothing inherently wrong with these things, I developed an inordinate love toward them, and that love caused me to backslide from Christ. He no longer held the preeminence in my heart. I call these things potential idols. In each case I had to confess my wrong attitude and ask Jesus to forgive me and fill me with Himself to replace that junk as they left my heart (soul). I became free to love and serve Jesus once again.
  • My dad had a short temper. I did not realize I had one until I played college ice hockey. I quickly found out that if I fought in a game, I would be tossed out. Initially I thought we played according to NHL rules and I would simply get a 5-minute penalty and then keep playing. Well, I preferred playing to fighting so that suppressed my temper for a while. I do not blame my dad for my temper problem. I am not sure if I “caught” it from him, though I realize it is possible. It does not really matter how I obtained this problem. What matters is that I do something to conquer it – namely admit it and seek God for help. As I grew older, however, temper was rearing its ugly head more often, especially when I played golf! The language that spewed from my mouth (and I was a Christian by then) would be embarrassing for me to say. As years went by (and I was doing nothing to stop this thing), I got married and soon after had a little 4-year old son named Michael. One day I was working on some home repair job that should have taken 5 minutes with some simple tools. Not being a handyman, I was well into the 55th minute and finally exploded by yelling and throwing down that “dumb” tool! Little did I realize that little Mike saw and heard the whole thing. The very next day, he did a similar “act” and I said to myself, “Oh oh! He has ‘caught’ something bad from me.” So I brought him to my pastor and explained my temper history and what recently had occurred with me and Michael. He laid hands on both of us and prayed against this demonic stronghold. Suddenly my son began hyperventilating which I interpret as a manifestation of a demon leaving his soul (mind). This was not the power of suggestion. Mike was too young to know what was expected or what was going on. Following that meeting, both Mike and I did better. To be honest, however, we both remain vulnerable in this area, and our guard must always be up. But I realize my battle is not against flesh and blood. In other words, people or circumstances do not trigger by bad temper. Demons do. So I fight them off with prayer and it works. This is called “taking a Holy Pause“ and “walking in my deliverance.” Freedom is fun!
  • My 86-year-old Aunt laid on a hospital bed in a coma from a stroke. She would never regain consciousness. She was my dad’s sister, and on this side of my family were many grudges. For some reason, they all had issues with family members. I traveled to see her and my cousin. I walked up to my aunt while she was unconscious on her hospital bed, and began to pray in the spirit against a demon of unforgiveness. She suddenly began hyperventilating along with moaning and groaning. This was obviously not the power of suggestion working. She was in a coma.

Believers can harbor many things that are demonic in nature. Just before my dad died, he was having hallucinations about his deceased brother against whom he had held a huge grudge. He told my mom that “she had to make things right with him!” No, my dad had to make things right with him. God says if we do not forgive others, then He will not forgive us, so it is a demon’s delight when we hold onto grudges.

  • For years as a Christian, I could not go to sleep quickly at night. I had a habit of thinking too much, especially negative thoughts about me and what I thought others thought of me. For years I just assumed those thoughts were my thoughts until the Lord spoke to my inner being (spirit-to-soul) and revealed that I had a demon assigned to me and it was his voice I was hearing at night. The word “assigned” got my attention. This may sound funny, but that made me feel good because I felt that Christ must have been doing something worthwhile through my life to gain such attention from the “dark side.” God told me to rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus every time I started hearing that “voice” in my mind (soul). It has been over 20 years since this revelation hit me, and I have been getting to sleep quickly ever since. It’s quite exhilarating to sense the retreat of that voice when I pray in Jesus’ name! It works EVERY time.

This last case involved a man who has attended my church. He never had migraine headaches until he reached middle-age. The onset was sudden, constant, and extremely painful. This went on for four years. Extensive medical tests showed nothing. He later discovered that an occult group was cursing him when they found out he was a Christian. He sought pastoral help. The pastor laid his hands on his forehead and rebuked the headache in the name of Jesus. The pain suddenly moved to the back of his head! Hands were then laid on the back of his head, and the pain instantly returned to the front! Finally, two pastors laid their hands all over his head and the pain vanished instantly! One day, however, it returned. It was just prior to him sharing about this experience in my church’s Foundations Class. I guess the dark side does not like testimonies that glorify our Savior! Since that day, I always pray for his protection when he is about to speak to my class, and the pain has never returned, although he has had slight headaches temporarily. I am not suggesting that all migraines are caused by demons, but certainly some are – even in believers.

In summation, just because believers cannot be possessed by a devil, we should never neglect, underestimate, or be ignorant of his schemes (2 Cor. 2:11). Satan and demons are crafty and subtle (Gen. 3:1). They can harass and stick around. They can speak to our minds (souls). They can cause strong oppression that can be conquered through Christ. At the same time, however, we should not be looking for a demon under every rock. Jesus didn’t, but He surely ran into some and so will we. There is a balance to be struck here, but let us keep in mind that if Satan can penetrate Peter while he was literally walking next to Jesus Himself Matthew 16:23), demons can invade anyone. Fortunately, God has given His kids the necessary weaponry to defeat them (Ephesians 6:10-18 and 2 Cor. 10:3-5). Deliverance from demonic oppression is available to all who believe.


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