Category: Q & A (page 12 of 17)

Roman Law

Marcy J: Dave, you said in one Bible Session that it broke Roman law for Jews to kill someone so the Pharisees had to get Rome to kill Jesus. So when Paul was thought to be stoned to death (as in Acts 14) why was no one arrested?

Dave: Great question. Stephen was murdered by several people with Paul’s approval and there is no record of anyone getting into trouble with Rome. I assume that there were no soldiers around when they did this (and probably no one would dare say anything to the authorities), plus Jesus was so popular among the Jewish people that His enemies had to get rid of Him in a way that those people would not turn against them.

Seeking His Face

Joan: What do you think it means to “Seek His face?” Ps. 27:8,9.

Dave: Wow, good question. The context of Psalms 27 describes David’s yearning to know God intimately. We cannot take the phrase “Seek My face” literally because no sinner can behold the face of God without perishing (Exodus 33:20). Therefore, we can easily and properly interpret this phrase as a metaphor for getting to know God intimately. Metaphors are used hundreds of times in Scripture. For example, when Jesus claimed to be the bread of life, He did not mean He is a loaf of bread. He meant that He is the staple of life, or no one can live without being connected to Him. The only way I know how to become more intimate with a Holy God is to marry my heart to his Word, meditate on His Word, and pray in the name of Jesus. This, I believe, is “seeking His face.” I think it also includes the notion that we are coming to Him with no personal agenda. We just want to know and have the ability to do the right thing.

Mike M (Roman Catholic): quoting from my End-Time prophecy issue:  “a basic rule of interpretation is to assume a passage is literal unless proven figurative.”  How would this apply to Jesus saying “this is my body/blood”?

Dave: The context makes the difference. He also said to cut off your hand if it cause you to sin. He said He was the “bread of life.” He did not mean rye bread or any literal bread. Bread is a staple of physical life so He was claiming to be the One who gives eternal life. He also said His words are “spirit and life” in John. So Jesus establishes Himself as a user of metaphors and figurative language on many occasions. So when He said “this is my body/blood” when referring to the wine and bread, He was not breaking Old Testament Law that forbade the drinking of blood. I know this goes against one of the biggest Roman Catholic beliefs, but it is one of many reasons that I cannot be Roman Catholic. We are saved by faith, not works according to Ephesians 2:8-9. Works includes rituals as well. Participating in rituals alone does not have the power to save a soul. If that wine literally turns into His blood, then according to Jesus, no one can be saved unless they believe this. That would send to hell all protestants and non-denominationalists like myself. I urge you to read the Gospel of John. It’s loaded with great stuff from Jesus. God bless ya Mike, and thanks for asking good questions and being willing to discuss things. I sooo appreciate that in you! Hope you still enjoy that new job!

Fig Tree

Joan: I have a question regarding Luke 13:6-9 – the parable of the fig tree. It’s pretty clear to me that this is speaking about “one more chance” but I don’t understand the significance of “digging around it” and “fertilizing it.” What do you think that means? The other references to unfruitful fig trees seem to refer to looking good on the surface – having a form of godliness – and insincere repentance and worship. They also don’t get a second chance but are cut down.

Dave: Just prior to Luke 13:6, Jesus talked about repentance. I think the fig tree represents Israel as a non repentant nation and God had made several previous attempts throughout their history via the prophets to get them to follow His lead, but they wouldn’t. The Jewish nation constantly broke their covenant with God by their wayward attitudes and actions. “Digging around and fertilizing” represents God’s ultimate, last-ditch effort to bring His Old Covenant people to Him by way of His personal appearance on earth (see the parable of the tenant farmers in Matthew 21:33-42). Since the Jewish nation as a whole (not individual Jews) rejected their God in Christ Jesus, Israel and the Old Covenant Temple would be “cut down” (destroyed). Jesus warned of this destruction in Luke 23:28-31 and Matthew 24:2, 15-22. The Kingdom of God was to be taken from Israel and given to Gentiles (Matthew 21:42-45). It is quite remarkable to note that since the Temple’s destruction, the Jews have never re-instituted animal sacrifice. I believe this underscores what God has said and done regarding physical Israel. Christ is the perfect sacrifice therefore no more animals should be killed. The Book of Hebrews reveals more details about this issue.

By the way, I do not believe that this Kingdom transfer was a “Plan B” by God as some Christian teachers claim. The Old Testament prophets described it several times, although they themselves were probably unsure about what it all meant. I believe there has always been a Plan A from the beginning. Furthermore, I think that this Plan would save as many souls as would be possible considering the dire circumstances of a sinful, rebellious world. I am blessed to know that you are reading His Word!

Joan: This is great. However, whenever I read something like this I’m always trying to see how it applies to our lives today. I know of so many people (including me) who have children or family members who claim to be believers (look good on the outside) but their lives tell another story. I’ve seen the Lord spare one in particular time after time and wonder if there’s a message here about “digging around” and “fertilizing” that God is showing as a way to reach them before it’s too late. Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but I’m such a practical person that it just comes naturally. Thanks for being such a good sport.

Dave: I hear what you are saying, especially from a parental viewpoint. The fact is that it is next to impossible for us to discern exactly how God is dealing with someone else. The Holy Spirit does supply us with words of wisdom, words of knowledge, and a distinguishing of spirits, but that does not make us God and rarely does one person have all of these. So we are called to believe, seek those gifts, stay strong in Him, and to trust in His ways, which are higher than our ways.

Joan: You’re absolutely right. I’m so grateful The Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. Rom. 8: 26,27. Thanks for all your help. Have a blessed day.


Alona R (6/19/13): Interesting discussion – thank you Joan for asking the question.  We had a similar discussion in Community Bible Study (CBS) when we studied Luke.

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