Category: Q & A (page 2 of 17)

Timothy’s Circumcision

Ruth D – In Acts16:3, why did Timothy have to be circumcised?

Dave – Because of the Jews in that area. I think Paul was trying to avoid offending these Jews as much as possible. Timothy’s father was a Gentile and mother was Jewish, so that was one strike against him already in the eyes of Paul’s countrymen. I think Paul figured if “half-breed” Timothy was also not circumcised, there was no chance of these people listening to them. This certainly was not an endorsement for circumcision being necessary for salvation.

Feedback so far:

NF (9/19/13) – Great answer which totally agree with! Have Blessed day Dave!

CL (9/19/13) – Right on.


Joan – I wonder if you might know the significance of these verses. I’m having a hard time understanding why “the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God” and not directly to God Himself. All my searching has been in vain so far. It seems as if commentators just skip over this. Who exactly are these particular angels of God? Do you know?

Dave – I think if we combine your Scripture in Luke with Matthew 10:30-33, the answer to your question presents itself. Both Scriptures are similar. The context in both is Jesus encouraging people, and that for those who have believed and have told others they belong to Jesus, Jesus will honor that person before both God and the angels. We do not know how many angels there are in heaven that stayed loyal to God, but I suggest that there are billions. Revelation 5:11 and Daniel 7:10 state there are thousands of thousands of angels. So, the whole point of these two Scriptures is to let us know what a big deal this is going to be. This should lessen or eliminate our fear of what others think of us as Christians when we realize that confessing Jesus before them leads to such an honoring moment in heaven.

Mary Could Not Touch Jesus

Ruth D – Why does Jesus say to Mary, touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father?

Dave: I’ve had the same question for years. No one knows, therefore any answer is speculation. He is saying that the reason for “stop clinging to Me” is because He has not yet ascended to the Father. Maybe He was preparing her for the fact that He will be disappearing soon and that she needs to have faith and not sight for the rest of her life. Or Jesus may be simply saying, “It’s time for you to go and tell others about Me rising from the dead.” Or, He had to ascend to the Father in order to send the Holy Spirit to her and many others to get the New Covenant going via His Church. I don’t think the issue was mere touching because Jesus told Thomas to touch Him in order to feel His wounds and convince him of actual resurrection. The Greek word used here for “touch” is “cling.” The reason Jesus said this to Mary was because He had not yet ascended to the Father. I think Jesus was saying that a major change was coming. He had to go, so He could send the Holy Spirit to get the New Covenant going, and she no longer could “walk by sight” and needed to learn to “walk by faith.”

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