Category: Q & A (page 15 of 17)

Q & A: Iniquity

Cindi L – Isaiah 53:5 …wounded for our transgressions (sin-direct violation of law)…bruised for our iniquities (propensity or bentness toward wrong)…chastisement of our peace was upon Him …with his stripes we are healed (this healed means PHYSICAL HEALING-cross references + root word).

Can you give more exposition on iniquity and in this case it is plural iniquities in this Scripture? (vs sin) and why bruising (vs death) might be relevant to understanding what we were set free of….

Dave – I think iniquity is having the inclination to sin because we are slaves to sin as you have already stated. So a new born baby would not be guilty of sin yet, but would still have the iniquity inside from Adam’s curse. It will be simply a matter of time for the child’s first actual sin which would include inner wrong desires as well as overt action. In Is. 53:5, “iniquity” is plural perhaps because it refers to all human evil tendencies.

Second question – Physical healing is put right in the midst of this, going along with the benefits we have all received of His redemptive work on the cross for us. This is NOT always manifested as readily as the other spiritual attributes (faith based-experiencing forgiveness, salvation, baptism of Holy Spirit) can be. Why? Or perhaps I should ask why you think it is put in there as though it was immediate upon salvation?


Gary R – Nice job. Thanks for the analysis.

Pat T – “Healing” spoken here I believe means that we can function at our highest level possible in God’s will (including the physical). There is without a doubt much controversy that surrounds healing in the church today and the interpretation of this scripture and likewise the one in James 5. Having a disabled wife for over 20 yrs. who died from her disability (MS) and working among the disabled for more than 25 yrs has brought me to struggle with these healing messages in both the scriptures and the church. I have witnessed far to often many well-meaning Christians burdened many who were disabled (including my wife and myself) saying that if one has enough faith they will be healed–including the so called “word of knowledge” people on the 700 Club. It amazes me that no one has ever “seen” an amputated limb miraculously appear or a Down Syndrome child suddenly become normal or cancerous breasts that have been removed suddenly appear again all healthy. The list can go on and on. It is very cruel to see someone with Cerebral Palsy think they can be made physically normal like everyone else because someone told them so. It grieves me that so many believe that God is some kind of magic machine who will restore all who believe if they just believe enough and claim a healing. My question is, all those who have earnestly prayed for healing believing that it is God’s will to heal them yet died anyway, did they die out of God’s will?

Dave to PT – Die out of God’s will in that case? This is impossible for humans to judge. Hebrews 9:27 states that we are “appointed to die once.” The word “appointed” may simply mean that we all will die due to the fact that we all have sinned. I do like the word “once” because it totally shoots down the eastern religion notion of reincarnation. This verse may or may not mean that God has fixed a certain time in history that individuals MUST die. In any case, God has not given man the ability to know all these things.

Cindi L – I so totally agree with Pat T. I hope you will express to him for me. That is even the reason I brought it up, but it’s such a tough (not understood like I’d like to) scripture for me.

Feedback on physical healing:

Marsha H (10/7/13) – Hi Dave, wow…does this touch my heart. Sometimes I wonder if it is a matter of faith.. I often pray, ” Lord I believe, help my unbelief.” After [my husband] Dan died from complications which developed from MS…despite all the prophesy and words spoken over him for healing, and then when Jody and Josh (his two children) were diagnosed with the disease, I continue to seek the scriptures and hold on to His promises. No matter what, we have to trust God. Recently, I have heard of some miraculous deeds! Chris O’Reilly prayed over a baby born dead who came back to life; prayed for a breech baby to turn, and she turned. Last week, Julie encountered a woman carrying a lifeless baby out of her apartment and screaming for help. She ran over and declares that the Lord just showed her what to do. She began hitting the baby on the back and telling the spirit of death to release the baby in Jesus name and commanded life to return. The baby is alive today because our wonderful Lord gives us wisdom and sometimes uses us to be His hands and feet on the Earth today. Why some are healed and some are not …I am resolved in believing it is God’s business. I will just continue to “knock” and claim promises for my children, until He comes. One thing is for sure…”He never leaves us or forsakes us!” Thanks for letting me spout off…:)

Dave to Marsha – Dearest sister in Christ, you’ve got all the right attitude when answers to tough questions will not be answered. God bless. Great to hear from you again!


Q & A: Slavery

The Biblical type of slavery has nothing to do with the horror of African-American slavery from our history. This issue causes uninformed critics to deride the Holy Scriptures unfairly. Biblical slavery was “manservanthood.” These were people who owed money and they worked off their debt and were freed later. Like any power situation with fallen man, there are abuses, but the Bible states what proper behavior is for both the “slave” and the “master.” The 1787 Constitution’s treatment of slaves is clearly unbiblical. For example, notice how it bars runaway slaves from being legally emancipated if they escape to a free state:

“No person [slave or servant] held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged [emancipated] from such Service of Labour, but shall be delivered up [involuntarily returned] on Claim of the Party [slave-owner or master] to whom such Service or Labour may be due.”

Now compare how the preceding constitutional mandate for the return of runaway slaves blatantly contradicts Deuteronomy 23:15-16:

“Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee; he shall dwell with thee, even among you, in that place which he shall choose in one of thy gates, where it liketh him best; thou shalt not oppress him.”

So have this defense ready when people put down the Bible regarding this issue.

Chris L – Nice answer. On that same vein, I know a lot of people, including me, struggle with the passages detailing God ordering the complete destruction of men, women, and children, e.g. 1 Sam. 15. Even if we can show passages where Israel’s laws are unbelievably protective of women and children, particularly for its time, that sort of passage just has this quality that is difficult to ascribe to our notion of a loving God. Even if the people He wanted destroyed had done some horrible things to Israel, I wouldn’t normally feel that would justify killing their children. Yet we know God is perfectly just. Even the killing of Egypt’s first-born sons is a bit unnerving. I’ve heard that ‘Old Testament is different’ argument, but does that really cut it?

Dave to Chris L – On the surface, the notion of God ordering the deaths of women and children (and sometimes even the livestock) sounds horrible. But we need to understand what God was accomplishing in those OT days. He was establishing Truth and proper worship and behavior. The Jewish nation was supposed to set that example, but too often they began to act like the surrounding nations who were all pagan and had horrible practices. So I think that at times God had to execute groups of people in order to slow down the advancement of horrible behavior. Pagan behavior is strongly a generational thing. In other words, kids learn hate toward groups of people (Israel) and other ungodly behaviors from parents and their cultures. So, at critical times I believe, God in His wisdom saw what the future would be if He did NOT eliminate those families. It is much like our medical approach to cancer. Malignant cells rapidly reproduce and starve out normal cells. In order to preserve the whole (or body), those bad cells must be killed. I also think if we could actually see how those pagan nations lived and that their next generation would be worse, we could more fully understand the so-called severity of God. I am sure that, in the long run, more people come to have eternal life because the magnitude of evil was delayed at certain times throughout history.

Mark D – Does the Bible condone slavery? In a word, no. The Bible acknowledges slavery, and too many read acknowledgment as approval. While the subject is more complex than can be answered briefly, a few things need to be noted. One is that slavery as described in the Bible is not the same thing as America’s historical slavery of blacks. One size or one description does not fit all when it comes to slavery as we find it mentioned in the Bible. There were time limits, financial goals and master-slave relationships that make the slavery of the Bible a whole different animal than what we know in American history.

We need to remember that former societies were not simply versions of the current societies we know today. People’s opportunities, expectations for family and business, social structures, and economic relationships have varied wildly over the years. Back in Old Testament times, slavery was a broad name applied to several social/financial relationships.

In Old Testament Hebrew culture, slavery wasn’t based on race. They had had experience with that themselves when they were slaves in Egypt. One must think economically rather than racially if they are to understand an important distinction from what we know from our own (American) history.

Exodus 21:21, for example, regulates the treatment of slaves: “And if a man beats his male or female slave with a rod, so that he dies under his hand, he shall surely be punished.” Leviticus 25:39-40 tells the Israelites that if one of their “brothers” sells himself to another for financial reasons, he was not to be treated as a slave, and was to be released at a certain point (the Year of Jubilee). Slavery was a temporary condition unless the slave determined otherwise. Again, there are far too many regulations about the treatment and eventual release of slaves to go into detail, but the two books referred to earlier in the paragraph give a picture of regulation rather than condoning. From a Biblically spiritual perspective, what God’s law brought was a series of directions and restrictions that prevented violence, extortion and permanent slavery on a nation and society that had known bondage and was surrounded by nations that often treated its slaves abominably.

Probably the biggest indicator that Western modern slavery and the various conditions called “slavery” in the Old Testament is the complete prohibition against kidnapping. Exodus 21:16 couldn’t be clearer: “He who kidnaps a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, shall surely be put to death.” In the New Testament, I Timothy 1:8-10 puts kidnappers in a list of the most grievous sinners.

Yes, the apostle Paul writes to slaves in New Testament times to serve their masters faithfully, among other things. But for those who see all things politically, it may be hard to remember that the Bible is not a political document. (For those who believe that it’s God’s Word, however, we believe it transcends and affects politics at the same time, getting to the root of individual change, thereby changing societies overtime). Paul wrote to people in nearly every conceivable role and status in life (husbands, wives, children, soldiers, employers), encouraging them in their position to love and serve God. He makes it clear that spiritually, as receivers of God’s grace, everyone in every position is equal. For a glimpse at his heart, check out the book of Philemon, where he comes this close to asking/demanding a friend to release his slave, using strong persuasion instead of the authority he could have used. Lastly, for those who love history, one can find a deeply Christian and Biblical foundation to the anti-slavery movement. Britain’s William Wilberforce is perhaps the most dramatic example, but even in the US, we have Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Just a little research reveals the deeply Christian roots of the modern anti- slavery movements, just as one can find the same deep roots in today’s anti-sex trade activity.

Christians see a containment of excesses in the Scriptures in the Old Testament, followed by a planting of many seeds in the New Testament (our freedom in Christ, equality of all believers) that laid the eventual groundwork for the political removal of slavery, especially in those societies that had a strong Christian influence at one time.

For more telling Scriptures on the subject, see

Lance M (a close friend and history expert, especially on slavery) – Excellent discussion on death and slavery. Dave, your cell example was awesome. I am teaching similar stuff with my Powerhouse Youth. Mark D’s slavery thought: I do have to say that the American slavery and the Egyptian format were very similar. Both groups had no choice and suffered greatly. Both were treated this way because of race (viewed as animals at best).

Q & A: Cousin Courtship

Dawn H. – Recently my family and I got into a discussion about cousin courtship. Based on Leviticus 18, which outlines very specifically what familial relationships are defined as close and are forbidden (in which cousins are not mentioned), along with the marriage of several cousins (Rebekah and Issac; Jacob, Leah and Rachel. etc.), I believe cousin courtship is not considered incest.

Most all of my family disagrees. It’s actually gotten pretty ugly. My thing is not that I expect to change anyone’s mind, but I believe that our personal preferences and opinions should not get in the way of God’s truth. At the very least, when the body disagrees, we should follow Paul and Peter’s example and come together in prayer, fasting and Scriptural study until there is resolution. What are your thoughts on cousin courtship as outlined in the Word? I am not concerned with worldly laws here or abroad. They tend to vary, so a Biblical perspective is actually what I would like your opinion on.

Dave – Very good question, and thank you for sending it. From Adam to Moses, there was no Biblical Law and therefore no restraints on who could marry who. Obviously, in the beginning, brothers and sisters had to have had sex to continue the human race. After several generations, however, God revealed many laws to Moses. Leviticus 18 states that people should not have sex with “close blood relatives.” That passage goes on to list several specific examples, but cousins are not included as you have pointed out. So I think the Biblical position is that it is all right in God’s sight to marry a cousin. The concern, however, is birth defects. The longer sin reigns in the genetic make-up of humans, the greater chance of mutations. From Adam to Moses, I assume the gene pool was quite untainted, therefore inter familial sex relationships would not be extra risky as they are today. Therefore, based on this increased genetic risk rather than a Biblical mandate, I do not recommend cousins marrying.

My pastor agrees, but was concerned about the “got nasty” issue between you and your family. He suspects there may be deeper issues among you. I tend to agree because an issue like this should not evoke such hostility. I agree with your position on the issue, but you may want to hone in on (or seek the Lord, if you do not know) what sparked the nastiness. There are several common possibilities. I hope and pray that something good comes from this for you and your family.

Feedback so far:

Gary R. – I agree with Dawn, but the bigger issue is why it had to get “ugly” with her family. Can’t we have a discussion about ANY subject with out it getting ugly? Someone has an agenda in the family that is not resolved.

Dawn H. – Thanks for your response (and for checking in with your pastor). I suppose if peace is the key, then not pressing the matter with the offended regardless of an assumed correct response is best. Initially, I didn’t think my views would pose a stumbling block to anyone because I stuck to biblical evidence. In hindsight, I can see how taboo topics should be explored with more care. Why do we let our human tradition interfere with truth? As for the “nasty” issue, I am of the mind that pride is involved somewhere. Still, we love each other and God, so let’s pray we end up in one accord. I thank God for using you, Dave.

Dave – Amen, thank you, and may the Lord have His way within your family.

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