“Ecumenism” refers only to Christian churches/faiths coming together as one. It does not mean “interfaith” which unites different religions. It also does not refer to non-denominationalism which simply represents Christian churches with no ties to protestant denominations that tend to include man-made traditions birthed in history. Non-denominational churches tend to be autonomous therefore have no church hierarchy, i.e., a head church that determines all doctrine. I think this is the best model. Here I find more love for Jesus and others, and more excellent Bible teachings. I’ve also met some great pastors that never attended seminary or Christian college. God anoints who He wants.

The Ecumenical Movement involves organized churches such as Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant. You won’t find non- denominational churches involved. They view it as compromise on key doctrines.

On the surface uniting all the Christian faiths together as one seems good. I’m sure Satan has used the “divide and conquer” rule throughout history to lessen impact. The danger of uniting, however, is loss of imperative Truth.

In my view, the essential truths are the identity of Jesus Christ and God’s salvation plan. Therefore, several groups who reject the deity of Christ and adhere to good works and/or rites and rituals to earn salvation must be eliminated from a united group wrought by God. From what I’ve seen over the years among the “ecumenical groups” is not much power of spirit (2 Timothy 3:5), especially in the area of introducing Jesus Christ to people who do not know who He is. Isn’t that what Satan wants? It seems to me that the most repressive power Satan and demons exert on this planet is against the true identity of Jesus and how a human soul gets saved.

United religious groups not formed by the Holy Spirit usually are folks who think they are good people doing good things for God. It may be a difficult concept to grasp but when fallen humans strive in their own “goodness” to please God, He looks at those works as “filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). One problem fallen humans have is the lack of perception of true Holiness which only God has and how far we have fallen from that state. At very best, we see truth dimly (1 Corinthians 13:12).

Now for Christian churches that have the essential tenets of the faith in tact, there should be more unity, especially among the non-denominational churches. However, they allow other doctrines such as how to interpret End-time prophecy, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and how to worship God “properly,” prideful pastors who fear losing people, and social/political issues to get in the way of unity. This is tragic indeed. Perhaps only a major catastrophe would bring us all together as one, but then later, we would most likely slide back into our comfort zones.

Unity that is not wrought by God is evil as was the case with the Tower of Babel scene. The concept of “unity” (the attempt at religious unity) erodes important truths and will not be the answer to the world’s problems. I look at this world as a sinking ship, and I’m trying to get as many people as I can into the lifeboat via the Gospel. I think people within the ecumenical movement are not as alive in Christ as they could be and therefore can more easily fit together with others with the same problem.

Simply stated, I perceive there exists a true church and a false church in this world. The true one loves Jesus, tells others about Him, reads the Bible as a lifeline to God, loves people, and knows they cannot earn their way to heaven, it’s all God’s mercy and grace given via Jesus Christ. The false church basks in good works, seldom gets into the Bible, doubts several portions of the Bible, its people seldom mention the name of Jesus in social discourse, pride themselves in being good people, lack God’s love for lost souls, adhere to man-made traditions or rituals as though they have some sort of cleansing-of-the-soul power, have other priorities (idols) in this life.

By reading Jesus’ messages to the seven churches in Turkey near the beginning of the Book of Revelation, we get a good idea about what’s wrong and right with churches today.